Michael Jonas


After working in restaurants for 10 years, completing several internships, and getting two degrees, Michael graduated law school in 2009 during the recession. After losing both his apartment and car, he spent several years doing all sorts of odd jobs and started and closed two businesses: a mediation/conflict resolution company and a real estate company. 

While experiencing fear, pain, depression, and debt, he did whatever it took to survive. This included but wasn’t limited to sleeping on friend’s couches, going back to restaurant work even after graduating law school, and moving back in with his parents for a year.

Because he decided that he had nothing to lose, he decided to take bar exams until he passed.  After 5 failed bar exams in California, he moved to Oregon in order to start a new life with the goal of passing his first Oregon bar exam. The one additional Oregon bar exam turned into 4.  

Taking bar exams while working full time with $400,000 in debt and the knowledge that you’re capable of so much more is not ideal, but sometimes you do what you have to do. In 2017, while working a contract job for Bonneville Power Administration, he found out that he passed his 9th bar exam.

Instead of working at a law firm that may not align with his moral makeup, he formed  Rational Unicorn Legal Services, a community-based business law firm.  The firm offers pay-as-you-go legal services including but not limited to business formation, contract review and drafting, trademark and copyright applications, and conflict resolution. 

In early August 2021, Michael earned an additional graduate degree, an Executive Masters in Business Administration from Quantic. With this degree, he will continue to advise current and future clients from a social justice and social enterprise lens. He will use his privilege and place at the table to demand diversity and inclusion in the business world, unapologetically ask why or why not when decisions are being made, and remind the business world that their bottom-line shouldn’t just be about financial profits, but about people and the environment

Passionate about community engagement, Michael dedicates time to volunteering with several nonprofit organizations. He currently serves on two nonprofit boards: New Leaders Council (NLC), the hub for progressive Millennial thought leadership; and The Sean Goodman Foundation for Performing Arts.

Michael is excited for this podcast and believes that we all have a story to tell. This podcast will not only selfishly help him reach one of his creative goals, it will be cathartic on many levels.  

Moreover, he hopes listeners will glean two things from the experience 1. That business ownership isn’t just for fancy, pretty people who have help with bills or have money stashed away and 2. . That anyone despite background, hardships and amount of tries, can accomplish whatever they set out to do, as long as they keep going. 

He encourages you to listen, learn, and keep going. 


Kyle Gilmer/Residual Audio

Audio Editor